Auto Noon Report

"Netpas Vessel Monitor Beta Auto Noon Report Input Manual"

What is Auto Noon report Input?

You don’t need to input Noon report manually in Netpas Vessel Monitor. If a captain sends a noon report to us by email with a unique call sign, it will be analyzed and inputted automatically on your Netpas Vessel Monitor. You just need to make sure that your captain always adds our email as Cc and use our Noon report form for that. Then you can see your vessel position and other important information in Netpas Distance.

process of auto input system
[ picture 1 : process of auto input system ]

Netpas Vessel Monitor users can use Auto Noon report Input. You need to input call sign when you create Voyage in Netpas Vessel Monitor. Then, you need to ask your captain to send noon report to us with Netpas noon report form like here below.

  1. You should input a unique call sign when you create a voyage
  2. You or your captain need to send noon report to
  3. The noon report email should use our format like here below. Cc and Number 1-5 is essential.
  4. You can add more number for such like weather if you want
E-mail :
To : *****@*****.***
C.C. :
Subject : noon report

M.V. : Netpas No1 (Noon Report)
1. Call Sign : DG5E2A58 (NETPAS_ID)
2. Speed : 17.2 knots
3. LAT : 46 32 12 N
4. LON : 173 12 52 W
5. Time : 12:00 LT / 05:00 UTC
6. ETA : 16th DEC 2008 12:32 LT
7. ROB FO : 232.2MT
8. ROB DO : 42.5MT
9. ROB LSFO : 232.2MT
10. ROB LSDO : 42.5MT

Best Regards,

[ Example : Noon report for Email ]

Noon report form details

Please find form here below. If you or your captain sends a Noon report with this form, it will be analyzed and inputted automatically. Number 1 ~ Number 5 is essential. If any number of these is incorrect, the noon report may not be inputted automatically.

  1. Number 1 ~ 5 are essential.
  2. Number 6 ~ 8 are optional.
  3. You can add number 9 and more.
  4. Don’t care capital letters or small letters.
M.V. : {vessel name} ({report_type})
1. callsign : {callsign} ({netpas id}) <essential item>
2. speed : {speed} kts <essential item>
3. LAT : {hour} {minute} {second} {N or S} <essential item>
4. LON : {hour} {minute} {second} {W or E} <essential item>
5. Time : {local hour}:{local minute} LT / {UTC hour}:{UTC minute} UTC <essential item>
6. ETA : {day}th {Month} {year} {hour}:{minute} GMT{gmt}

[ Table 1 : noon report format ]

Item Format Unit
M.V. : Letters  
1. callsign : Letters  
2. speed : Numeric knots
3. LAT : Coordinate  
4. LON : Coordinate  
5. Time : Local Time / UTC Time  
6. ETA : Date  
7. ROB FO : Numeric MT
8. ROB DO : Numeric MT
ROB LSFO : Numeric MT
ROB LSDO : Numeric MT

[ Table 2 : format and unit per items ]

Item Description Example
Coordinate {+or-}{degree}° {minute}’ {second}” {N,S,E or W} The system allows Decimal and hour, min, sec together. {+} and {-} are allowed instead of directions. 127.8132 W
E 56° 21.52’
E 56° 21’ 31.542”
-52 21 59
+137 30.52
Local Time {local hour}:{local minute} LT 12:00 LT
UTC Time {UTC hour}:{UTC minute} UTC 05:00 UTC
{Day} {Month} {Year} {Hour}:{Minute} GMT{GMT}Day, Month, Year, GMT are essential items and the order should be kept. Time is 24hour. If there is no time, the system assumes it as 12:00(noon). If you input only GMT, it will be assumed as GMT Zero.
25th Jan 2009 12:30 GMT+5
1st Feb 09 GMT-4.5
12nd Apr 2008 13:20 LT
2nd Apr 2008 13:20 LT

[ Table 3 : descriptions and examples ]

Wrong Noon report examples

If there is wrong format, it cannot be analyzed and inputted. The wrong format will be noticed with email only to you and your captain. Please refer wrong examples here below.

M.V. : M.V. Netpas No1
1. callsign : DG5E2A58
3. LAT : 46 80 21 N
4. LON : 32 23 21
5. Time : 12:00 LT / 0500 UTC
6. ETA : 16th DEC 12:32 GMT
ROB FO 232.2MT
7. ROB DO : 42.5MT
No Speed item
callsignn : DG5E2A58 Misspelling
LAT : 46 80 21 N Excess 60 at minutes
LON : 32 23 21 No direction (NEWS)
DEC 16th GMT Wrong order of Day and Month
ROB FO 232.2MT No item number  7. ROB FO 232.2MT
7. ROB DO : 42.5MT Wrong item number  8. ROB DO : 42.5MT

[ Table 4 : wrong noon report example ]

If auto input is failed, we will send a notice email to you and your captain like this. If you or the captain revise and send it again, it will be inputted automatically

Thanks for using Netpas service. We couldn't analysis the noon report you send as the reason below
callsign was not found. Please check item 1.callsign
Please check and revise the error number with sticking to Netpas Noon report form here below.
In case, the error message is 'System error', please try again or contact us (


1. callsign : A49HSEKOE
2. speed : 14 kts
3. lat : 47.721
4. longitude : 165.7521
5. Time : 12:00LT / 0500 UTC
6. ETA : 16th DEC 2008 21:08 LT
7. ROB FO : 232.2mt
8. ROB DO : 42.5mt

[ Wrong Noon report notice example ]

New Noon Report Check

Noon report will be added on a Voyage which has same call sign. You should re-run Netpas Distance or refresh with choosing Update voyage (F5) for the latest information.

apply added noon report
[ Picture 3 : apply added noon report ]

If you set "auto update" on options, it will be refreshed cyclically.
Tools – Options – Vessel Monitor

set time of auto update
[ Picture 4 : set time of "auto update" ]

Auto inputted Noon report will be marked with a red point on the voyage. You can check name and email of the person who posted. Also you can check all contents in Remark

added noon report
[ Picture 5 : added noon report ]

You can check new noon reports added by captain on noon report notice window

new noon report notice
[ Picture 6 : new noon report notice ]