1. Netpas MMA Main Screen Description

1-1. MMA Version and Netpas ID

1-2. Main Menu Bar

1. Mail Account: Add and edit your mail accounts
2. Analyze Mail: Your mails are being received and analyzed automatically.
Your mails and analyzed cards are saved in your local PC ONLY.
3. Delete: Delete mails or cards you want. Multi mails or cards can be selected and deleted.
4. Options: Various options are available for MMA setting.
5. Feedback: You can send us your feedback or bug reporting on MMA
6. Help: Your license validity, register license key, purchase, FAQ, Quick Help and etc.
7. Pause/Resume Analyzing: You can set the time to pause analyzing your mail. Select the time you want to pause analyzing your mails and click “Pause Analyzing”. Timer will be shown until the analyzing is resumed. Or you can click “Resume Analyzing” to continue analyzing your mails.
8. Sing Out: You can sign out from your Netpas ID.
9. Exit : MMA still runs even if closing the window. You need to Exit the program if you want to completely shut down the program.
1-3. Tree Menu
You can check your Analyzed Cards, Starred Cards, Filtering, Original Mail and Recycle Bin form this menu.

1-4. Analyzed Cards Results
MMA collects your tonnage, cargo and TC mails and analyze them to make cards. Analyzed cards and mails are stored for maximum 4 weeks. You can change storing term in "Options > General". For details, please go to 6-1

1-5. Searching Fields
You can search for specific tonnage and cargo cards by setting searching options. For details, please go to 4-1 For Open Area, you can use Ballast Range Search function. For details, please go to 12

1-6. Card Information and Position
You can check the position on the map with the card information when selecting the card you want.

1-7. Original Mail
You can check your original mail in 2 ways as below.
A. From Analyzed cards result

B. From Inbox

1-8. Processing Bar
It shows the process of receiving and analyzing mails.